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Notes for Prospective Students

In order to apply to Cheshire Academy, please complete  and submit it by Feb. 1. We send out admissions notifications on March 10 and families have until April 10 to enroll. Decisions are made on a rolling admission basis for any student who applies after March 10. If you`re applying for Grades 9 or 10, please provide transcripts for current and previous school year. If you are applying for Grades 11, 12, or PG, transcripts for all years completed at the high school level will be needed. Gather and Submit Recommendations Recommendations forms from a current English and mathematics teacher, as well as a guidance counselor or head of school, must be submitted along with the application. These forms are available through SSAT`s Standard Application Online (SAO) and are submitted via this site as well. Next, register for Standardized Tests. Students in the U.S For 9th grade and 10th grade applicants, you can register to take the Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT) through the SSAT website or by phone (609-683-4440). Be sure to list Cheshire Academy as a school where your child is applying. We will also accept the ISEE for 9th grade and 10th grade applicants in lieu of the SSAT. It`s best to take the SSAT between October and December. For 11th grade, 12th grade and PG applicants, we accept the PSAT, SAT or ACT. International Students If English is not your first language, you may instead take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Visit the ETS website or call (609-771-7100) for more information. Cheshire Academy`s TOEFL code is 8672. Alternatively, we also accept the IELTS and Cambridge English Exam. Learn more about Cheshire Academy`s International Student Office. Schedule a tour and interview We host visitors on campus Monday-Friday, beginning at 8:45 a.m. Please plan to spend approximately two hours on our campus. You may contact admission@cheshireacademy.org or call 203-439-7250, to schedule an appointment. If you are unable to visit campus before the Feb. 1 application date, you may schedule a Skype interview by contacting admission@cheshireacademy.org.

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