
School Life

For boarding school students, and many teachers, the campus is home. Explore dormitory living, get expert advice on learning and living away from home and learn more about what can be done to help your child transition to and succeed in boarding school. Find resources for parents, teachers and students. We’ll cover sustainability, boarding school jargon, and corporal punishment. Read first-hand accounts from parents of boarding school students, find graduation gift ideas, and learn why small classes are effective.

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In The Pandemic: Parents' Concerns About ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø School

In The Pandemic: Parents' Concerns About ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø School
Sending our children off to boarding school in the fall of 2020 raises questions about their safety and other corona virus issues. We address some of your concerns here.

Disclaimer: I am not a health professional. I am a concerned parent and grandparent. This article draws attention to some of the questions I have about sending my grandchildren off to boarding school. ~Rob Kennedy

Getting your child ready for school in the summer of 2020 is a nerve-wracking experience for parents. We have always been concerned about our children's safety both at school and at home. We have taught safe behaviors since they were tiny tots. Sending them away from home to a residential school always posed issues of separation and homesickness that you and I were able to deal with more or less successfully. But sending them off to boarding school in the middle of a global pandemic? Well, that's something else again, isn't it?

Suddenly, all those familiar scenarios of dropping our children off at school seem so benign and distant. This COVID-19 pandemic is unlike anything you and I have seen in our lifetimes. The virus seems to attack people of all ages. It seems to lurk in hosts and find new hosts via droplets that hang in the air. It lives on common surfaces such as doorknobs and stair railings. It spreads to its new host when he touches his face. Worst of all, there's no vaccine for the COVID-19 virus. Scientists are scrambling to create vaccines, but it doesn't look as though anything will be available before early 2021.

I have listened to podcasts for

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A Survival Guide For ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø School Teachers

A Survival Guide For ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø School Teachers
Teaching in a residential school brings its own challenges as well as some very powerful advantages. Here's how to survive your stint as a teacher in a boarding school.

Perhaps you are thinking about teaching in a boarding school in the future, or maybe you just started teaching in a boarding school during the current academic year If you come from a public school, you will find several differences between teaching in a public school and teaching in a boarding school. If you are a new teacher, we will raise several points and issues for you to consider.

Students who want to be there

Teachers want to teach. We love our subject. We want to share it with our students. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to teach when you are more concerned about maintaining order in your classroom than you are with actually teaching. Maintaining order is an ever-present issue when you have a large class of 30 or 40 students. On the other hand, teaching a small class of 12-15 students allows you to engage your students more or less constantly. It is very difficult for students not to be engaged when the size of the class is small. There really is no place for them to hide.

This video illustrates teaching at Lawrenceville School using Harkness tables.

Students attend boarding school for many reasons. Most of all, their parents want them to get a first-rate education in a well-supervised environment. Parents often have demanding careers that do not permit them to be available when their high school-age children are not

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Famous ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø School Graduates

Famous ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø School Graduates
Graduates of boarding schools end up doing all sorts of things. Many of them become distinguished leaders in their chosen fields.
St. Paul

Graduates of boarding schools end up doing all sorts of things. Many of them become distinguished leaders in their chosen fields. Almost all of the alumnae and alumni selected below have also chosen to return time, talent, and treasure to the schools that gave them such a solid start to their careers. They serve on boards of trustees, raise money for their schools, and act as stalwart supporters of these institutions.

That's the point of this little piece: the dream of being something when you are young. Attend a school that will help you realize those dreams by giving you the skills, confidence, and belief that you can accomplish whatever you set out to do. That is the essence of a boarding school education.

Now, I hear you thinking everyone on this list is or was fabulously wealthy. Indeed, some are. But many were not quite well off when just starting out. All of these graduates share one thing in common. They had families that valued the sound, balanced approach to education that the schools they attended afforded them.

Audrey McNiff, Goldman Sachs (retired),

Arthur Bunn, Bunn-O-Matic Corp.,

Betsy Licht Turner, Northern Trust Investments,

Bette Davis, Actress, Cushing Academy, Ashburnham, MA

Betty White, Actress,

Chelsea Clinton, The Clinton Foundation,

Dan Brown, Writer,

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Alumni Relations Apps

Alumni Relations Apps
Your graduates can do everything on their smartphones with one click. An alumni relations app will allow them to click a gift to their alma mater. More here.

These days there's an app for everything. Apps have been around since Apple launched its App Store in 2008. Since then, Android's Play Store and Apple's App Store have grown to offer more than 4 million apps. Because apps reside on smartphones, they are always ready to use. Apps are an efficient way to shop, do your banking, schedule an Uber, scan your boarding pass, listen to your favorite music and so much more. That's why your boarding school needs an app for its alumni. Because your graduates are spread far and wide geographically, your alumni app will keep them in the loop. That's important to them because they love the school which gave them such a great start in life. It's vital for your finances because easily accessible information and communications will lead to successful annual fund drives and major gifts.

This video illustrates what an alumni app can do.

Stay connected.

Obviously, your more recent graduates are an app-friendly lot. So, it just makes so much sense to keep in touch with them via the method which they use all the time. Snail-mail and even email will not get their attention the way your wonderful, informative app will. Snail-mail and email have their place. Your older alumni will probably appreciate your communicating with them that way. However, don't assume anything. Many 70 and 80-year-olds love using apps and their smartphones. They were

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What Alums Have To Say About Their Schools

What Alums Have To Say About Their Schools
Learning about a school from its website and social media pages is useful as you decide which school to choose. So is hearing what the school's alumni say about their alma mater.

As you work your way through the school search process, you will do your due diligence carefully. A school's website and social media pages are helpful. Visiting schools in which you are interested is very important. Hearing the positive things men and women have to say about the schools which they attended is also instructive.

Here are comments which alumni left on our Facebook page. I have edited them very slightly for capitalization and punctuation. Some alums attended boarding school in the 50s, 60s, and 70s. Others are more recent graduates. Some mention the school they attended. Some do not. No negative reviews? Sure. But you can read those elsewhere on .

In their own words.

Best thing is if you want to go. I pressed my parents to send me. They didn’t want me to leave home. We loved each other, and I was an only child. But I wanted to go into the Navy and learn about naval school; so they let me go...Ben

I went for 9th-12th grades. At first, I struggled, but by 12th grade, it was like home to me...Nancy

Outstanding school, wonderful experience. The only regret is I was only able to spend my senior year there...Curt

A wonderful education and, although the boarding rules were strict, I made lifelong friendships!...John

Men of Integrity are hard to find these days - but there were many at Choate - I graduated in 1959....Tim

My opinion is that it is the

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ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø School Admissions: International Students
ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø School Admissions: International Students
A comprehensive guide for international students and their families on navigating the admissions process for American boarding schools, covering benefits, application tips, visa requirements, and preparation for boarding school life.
Parents' Concerns about Sending Their Child to ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø School
Parents' Concerns about Sending Their Child to ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø School
Explore the comprehensive world of American boarding schools, from academic excellence to holistic development. This in-depth guide covers key concerns for parents, including financial considerations, safety, and specialized programs, providing essential insights for families considering this transformative educational experience.
Teaching in a ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø School: A Comprehensive Guide for Educators
Teaching in a ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø School: A Comprehensive Guide for Educators
We explore the unique aspects of teaching in a boarding school environment and offer provides valuable insights for educators considering this career path, covering the multifaceted nature of the job, qualifications required, and practical tips for securing a position. Whether you're a seasoned teacher looking for a change or a new graduate exploring career options, this guide offers a realistic view of life as a boarding school educator.

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School Life

This section covers issues and concerns for parents of boarding school students. Explore corporal punishment, get expert advice on preventing hazing, and read first-hand accounts from parents. Learn what to do if things go wrong, see what boarding school students do in the summer, and get words of wisdom from a reluctant parent.
Here you’ll gain knowledge about student life at boarding school. User our glossary of terms to learn boarding school jargon, discover the importance of a partnership between school, parent and child, and find great gift ideas for the boarding school graduate.
The articles in this section are related to teaching at a boarding school. Learn more about what is being taught, why small class sizes work, and the impact of sustainability on boarding schools. You’ll find a list of eBooks about boarding schools, be able to view pictures of boarding school life, and explore course offerings.